0816 Hours snowy Japan
I want a better picture of these people. I love them so much. Okumura. |
Moral took a blow this Saturday night... we were biking home from the base to the apartment and my stomach did not feel so hot all the sudden. It turned into one of those nights: The flu. But on the flip side of that I am very genki now and I am just happy as a clam! "Pop"! My bike tire just popped but God did not make me have the flu right now so life is amazing! It's all about perspective and it gives you mercy and love too. God will guide us.
Fun Food Fact:
Mochi is as Japanese traditional as I think you can get (maybe fish is a bit more but barely). What you do is take cooked rice and put it in a stone like basin thing and you beat it with these giant hammers. Then is turns into this paste that you form into little cakes.You can pretty much go anywhere from there. You can toast it and eat it, toast it and drop it in a soup, just eat it, put it in a donut, wrap it around beans, flavor it a thousand different ways (my favorite is sakura (cherry)). It's way fun, they tell me it is waaay healthy, and the more you eat it the more you appreciate it.
Culture Point:
Hinamatsuri. It's girls' day (there is also a boys' day in may so nobody get too offended). It's a holiday where the day is for girls and everyone puts out these two little dolls of an emperor and empress. Then you eat all these delicious little cakes when you are a missionary because everyone gives you them when you come over, ha ha. I actually don't know that much about it besides what I experienced, there isn't really festivals or parades though. That is why I got to try the sakura mocha though, because they eat it
for girls day!
Spiritual Thought:
My thought today is on humility.
Matthew 22: 36-37
I totally love this scripture and the scriptures after it which talk about loving others and sometimes I forget about what he said first. There are soooo many wonderful things we can do in this life: we can love others, be a missionary, be a mom or dad, help the needy, write a song the list goes on and on... good things! But I (and I always just assume others make similar mistakes) need to remember God is in control of everything. He is God. He will take care or everything from the "the lilies in the field" to the sick an afflicted. He might and probably will use us to do it, but we need to let Him use us by making Him our priority. To humble our own wisdom, however wise it may seem, and go to the source. He speaks to us through the spirit and scriptures and we can speak to Him through prayer. He knows us perfectly and will guide us perfectly if we can humble ourselves and follow.
Funny Story:
Raw eggs. There is only one type of person in the world that eat them: the toughest of the tough. Rocky and the Japanese. One of my life 5 goals is to become a Japanese and so we set out on a mission to conquer the oval of champions.
It had been a long day in the misawa district, but the 4 missionaries were cool as cucumbers as they glided in out of the snow. They could conquer the world. "Lets do it tonight!" came the call from the back. Just that one sentence was all anyone needed to understand the challenge. They agreed it would be tonight. 5 minutes later, 4 camera, and 4 of Japanese poultry's finest work later the nights activities were ready to begin. Smooth as ice they looked into each others faces, nodded, and then cracked and dumped...
I thought it was going to be the texture... I have eaten a ton of raw eggs mixed with stuff and its always good! So I was figuring the texture of just the egg would be nasty. Others thought the egg white taste would be nasty, others just the idea. But it turns out we were all wrong. All three of us (Elder Iida is excluded because he has done this before and it wasn't even funny or interesting - like shoving a whole piece of bread in your mouth) had the same thought as it entered: "this is kinda a lot!" like my mouth is totally full cheeks puffed and all! Then I look over and the other two are having similar experiences. Elder Anderson's eyes are huge and cheeks puffed out and Elder Mantz has egg all down his front and on the floor and still cheeks puffed out and eyes big. It's like dead silent because no one can laugh... and I can't swallow because its this big solid mass so I start swooshing between my teeth to kinda brake is up and trying not to laugh. Then Elder Mantz is able to swallow and then picks up this slime off the ground that fell when he over flowed because he wants to be able able to say he ate a whole raw egg. When he puts that back he starts gagging and ahh.. it was so funny! I have it all on video for posterity!
Love each other for me!
Law Choro