Time has ceased to flow according to the laws it was once bound by. i feel like i have been here a week and i am going on a month. There is so much work to do before i will be ready for the field but so little time left. but i also am dying to get to japan. Every time i hear another thing about the place i want to deploy that much sooner! all will be well though.
Physical training:
I am campaigning for an early morning running group, most of my district seems eager but when the alarm clock rings they seem to not have quite the fervor they had the night before. "Die joe boo" (that is a complete butcher of the spelling but it will be a lot easier to say it for you.) its totally my favorite phrase and you can say it for anything in English you would say "its ok." I still do my morning pushups and i now walk as far as i can on my hands once a day, and i am up to a pretty consistent 100+ feet. its keeps life fun.
Mental training:
Japanese is a lot like math, once you learn a new concept and get it down, you realize you can apply that concept to something much horrifically harder and its like... dang... hahah but i am learning! the gift of tongues is real! (not in the way you would hope the gifts of tongues to be do i have it but i know that the amount i do end up remembering is only happening with divine help) I am really good with vocab and memorize lists of words everyday, but my grammar is rather horrific and slow... all will work out though!
Spiritual training:
We have these little fake investigators that we teach lessons too in Japanese. (at first when i was told this i died a little bit inside (when i say a little bit i am referring to my dignity)) it was actually the third day we were here we had to teach our first lesson. (i read out of this book the whole time pretty much) anyway! we have to use a lot of analogies in our lessons because while drawing and saying broken words kinda works to explain a money lender, the atonement is a bit ruff for stick people and arm signals. but my biggest questions over the years have all three been answered in a matter of 4 weeks. And its not i read some new scripture or heard an apostle speak it (we get those guys here on occasion and they Are soooo Awesome) But i learn them because i must explain them and predict the question people will ask. its hard to explain but I love the lord for the vision and peace his answers bring.
To my mother, unfortunately "p-days" in here aren't what you think of as a normal p-day but i promise to splurge once i get in the field. I am in normal clothes for tell 10:00 and then i study go to the temple and prepare for a class and lesson that star at 4.. we cant even leave the mtc grounds except for the temple. Its good for us though and makes us more prepared for Japan. Which we badly need. The food though is getting... similar. There are three types of food in my mind here. There is some type of cheesy dish typically, some type of something with fries, and some type of rice thing. You never would have thought ravioli (and this is the fancy stuff) could taste so similar to a enchilada.. but when it falls into one of those categories it somehow just has the same basic vibe as all its brethren.) the milk though is fantastic, continues to be unrationed, and is still free! i figured it out and i am drinking about 3/4 a gallon. I have turned to fat free in hopes to preserve my womanly figure. There is something else i have always heard rumors of but have recently experimented with and found to be true. Something.... is wrong with the orange juice. The machine stands alone in the corner collecting dust, waiting... always waiting for the uninformed fresh pup to think "yeah i would like a little fresh cup of sunkist"
All that is need is here! sounds like i should buy the stuff i need? i am on it. I bought a sweet backpack.. same brand as my scripture bag too. I continue to hold up my stylish reputation.
i am getting sent to the slaughter house today. on my own accord but to the slaughter house none the less. "its free!!" they tell me... you get what you pay for is what keeps yelling at the back of my mind.. its time like these that i miss my mama. I will send a pic of the new hair cut.
My heroes are my senseis these days! i have two of them and both are returned missionaries from japan and both are the happiness, most realistic, maturely spiritual, Japanese speaking, handsome cusses i know. They give me a target to aim for. They also fill my head and heart full of these stories of the people i will be serving and make my want to sneak on a plane early. nobodies perfect i guess.
Funny Story:
Thaye Choro and i had to go get shots. we are pulled out of class in the middle of class time so the streets of the mtc are empty. just the two of us all around. We then come upon this scene.
5 shimi (sisters) all bunched around this poor soul who at first impression i thought had the black lung here coughing was so hard, but on closer examination i see she is actually being sick in the grass... the other shimi are rubbing here back and consoling her.
the scene is one of sadness, pity and love. I need to explain that thayne choro understood this completely and even he is not cruel enough to mock this poor sister. However, thayne choro is not bound by the same social past as us washintonians are. he proceeds to say this very loudly as we are within 20 feet of them. (he means in in the most sincere apologetic voice he has) "oh no... Don't tell me she got into the orange juice too!?" bring my weak self who has yet to master self control, i am the one that begins a horrified/astonished/overcome giggle fit.... thayne choro is disgusted in me. As well as the 5 shimi who look up from there poor sister and see me laughing from the direction the comment came. sisters are still women and are still scary when wronged. we took the long way to the nurse.
This might be a "you had to be there" story.. but i am having a giggle fit at the computer right now so worst case scenario i will document it for my 40 year old self.
Love you all and pray for your strength!
-Elder Cameron Law
p.s. go convert your friends! tell them you know how they can be happier and show them how!! no one thinks that's weird or will hate you for it!