Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 11th 2013 letter

Southern Training Camp 0500 hours
Day 18
preparations continuer for war against the adversary. Our weapons are powerful but our ability to use them in the foreign environment need a lot of work. Moral is high among the men with the occasional break down but work keeps them focused on the main goal.
Mental levels:
Scriptural knowledge has never been this high or improved this fast! its funny how a month ago an hour of scripture study would seem so long i felt like i could study the restoration, read the book of alma, and sing myself an opening hymn. Now i feel like i cant even really capture the concept of prayer. Tjhe gospel is simple but vast and i am like a kid in Disneyland.
Spiritual levels:
Slowly but surely i am getting a grasp on how to to be led by the holy ghost. Or maybe I am getting the concept of How crucial it is or you will fail in the work. But mostly i just have random spots of inspiration in this area more as a tender mercy from the lord to say "It is possible so don't give up yet" then to any real genius of my own. But I continue to advance.
Language training:
Japanese Is pretty much the coolest language in the World. It has very few exceptions so far compared to English but i think is about as hard to learn because it has so many little things you can do to change your verb. (this is coming from a guy who has been studying for two weeks so i have know real say on things) long story short the language is beautiful and hard but i am sooo excited to get better at it.
Physical condition:
I am pretty sure my cardio (what little i had) has gone to crap, but i do at least one set of 100 pushups everyday and an abb workout so as long as i can still do that i think i will keep at least a decent muscle tone up. Exercise is like a healing balm in this place. Outside this place too i guess.
Supplies maintain a steady level. Just that list of birthdays and shorts. I am starting to notice a bit of a pattern in the food here... they didn't even try to hide it very hard.. But i get all i can eat ice cream twice a week and all i can drink milk every meal! life is good.
My companion:
Elder Thayne... You guys don't even know! i have never meant anyone who is like this guy! the things he says to people... HE loved the book and pencils!!! but honestly i was kind of hoping he would feel how much i care and hope he is having a happy time. But instead he thinks that he has just passed me up in the eyes of brother and sister law... and that they love him soo much. So i will have to work on that.
I got you candy bars yesterday (totally made my day) and i became the absolute coolest cat in the district. (no that i wasn't before too)
Funny story:
this weeks funnny story is more to give you a theme of my every second with elder thayne. this is the exact way in which he approaches every here at the mtc.
We are in the bathroom. (no this isn't one of those stories we were washing our hands) and there is a ton of guys in the bathroom (in every building they have taken out one third of the guys bathrooms and made them girl bathrooms and its ridiculous!! (they used to be 50- 50 now there are way more girl bathrooms)) so we see these two elders from sumoa who are trying to learn English. I being my loving self slowly introduce myself to one and I begin a slow conversation to him about where i am from and where i am going. (this guy forgot how to say thank you. they were that new.) it was a  lovely learning time and made me feel better about Japanese. I turn around to see how my companion and the other new English guy are doing. Elder Thayne has this guy looking sooooo confused. For the last % minutes he has been explaining how he is from Antarctica and will be returning to serve a 2 year mission to the lord there and that because of low population levels of late in Antarctica he and his companion will be the only missionaries there. The things this guys says!! no mercy! he will do that kind of thing in the middle of our lessons to fake investigators! hahah but he makes my life lighter to handle and i love him for it!
Love you all more!
-Elder Cameron Law

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