Sunday, September 1, 2013

August 26, 2013 Letter

The East front 15:27 I don't even have to convert that because the clock on the computer (like all clocks in japan) is in military time! But you read it as normal time. Look you get two fun facts today!
Everyone is so genki! (it means like happy, healthy optimistic, bouncy... and more! super good word) thank you for that! Now I am extra genki! So my goal today is a medium letter and lots of pictures! ikimasho! (lets go!)

There is a long time when learning a language (I talk like I am a master but this is what I have felt and others have agreed with me) when you can say a lot of simple little sentences because you know a few grammar things and a bunch of basic vocab. But when anyone talks to you you have not the slightest clue what there are saying. Then you get into the ear sate where you can understand a lot of what people say and you totally get what they are asking but you just don't know how to correctly reply! I am in that second stage! hahah I used to have the worst ears in my whole douki! (its like your classmates.. we don't really have a good word for it in English.. the people that flew here the same day as me are my douki) but living with only Japanese people people has been such a blessing! 

So occasionally the mission mom will inspect your apartment, keeps people on their toes, and makes sure they are safe with good fire alarms and C02 detectors ect.. But we live in the homebu (mission home) so we have the AP's. The AP's. are beloved, sacred angels, they could never have a dirty apartment right? So we never get checked, ever. But as a fun little treat president decided he would schedule a little walk with the member of the 70 that is here. That little walk was scheduled through our apartment. This is actually a huge blessing for me! The place is spotless!!! They all killed it, like little Japanese bees buzzing all over! Our back step is about 5 feet deep of garbage bags filled with who knows what, but it needed to happen and garbage day is tomorrow so no one will know!

Culture fact:
Today it is in the funny story

Fun food fact: 
So I never told you my least favorite food. There is a thing called nato (right now all the returned Japanese guys are chuckling), it is beans. Fermented beans that are probably really healthy and they eat them with rice, eat them plane, roll them in sushi, mix with raw egg, put on toast, anything. They love them and ask you if you CAN eat them. What type of question is that? A good one. The reason is they taste like poop and smell worse. The best way I can describe the smell is if stick a sharpie up your nose. I don't know, maybe I will become a man and like them but right now: not for this pup. But I did try them! Mom, you would drop your jaw at what I eat. I pile on  the mayonnaise on some food. I Cameron Law eat mayonnaise on purpose. Maybe that snowball has a chance after all.

Spiritual thought:
So I shared this the other night with a family who had had a touching experience in their life. I don't care who you are, you will either want to look back and remember this time or your children or grandchildren will. I think that alone is enough reason to make a journal and use it. It's a pain sometimes and I am one of the worst of us so don't think I am talking down to you but it is important! Alma 37: 9-11 (Christine I love you)
9: Yea, I say unto you, were it not for the things that these records do contain, which are on these plates, Ammon and his brethren could not have convinced so many thousands of the Lamanites of the incorrect tradition of their fathers; yea, these records and their words brought them unto repentance; that is, they brought them to the knowledge of the Lord their God, and to rejoice in Jesus Christ their redeemer.
10: And who knoweth but what they will be the means of bringing many thousands of them, yea, and also many thousands of our stiff-necked brethren, the Nephites, who are now hardening their hearts in sin and iniquities, to the knowledge of the Redeemer?
11: Now these mysteries are not yet fully made known unto me, therefore I shall forbear.

The power of words! Those men were prophets of God who wrote the scripture but probably they felt like normal people! If you don't want to do it for you or your kids then do it for God. To show your appreciation for all that you have and so He can use it later if He want to! I have repented of my horrible journal skills and have received sooo many blessings already! I suck at writing so your guyses will be even bigger blessings!

Love you all! Love someone for me!

Law Choro

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