Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 5th 2014 Letter

0114 Hours- The frozen beaches of Northern Nippon
Culture Point:
Us at the Kado
Shinto Temples. So one regret I have about prepping for a mission is not researching at all Buddhism and Shintoism. I know Shintoism is pure Japanese and not brought in from foreigners like the others. The thing is I cant learn about the religions here from companions because no one young really knows anymore then I do. The Shinto temples called gingas are pretty common and a lot of people (no matter if you are Christian, Buddhist, Shinto, atheist...) go to them on New Years Day! It's way fun because you do all these fun activities! 
First we go up to the big temple itself, throw some money in this big box, take the giant rope and swing it around to ring the bells and then you bow twice, clap twice and then bow and say a little prayer in your head of whatever you want! It's kind of fun. It doesn't feel as sacred as when you see Muslims or Christians pray. There are older folks who take it more seriously and perhaps it is sacred to them. But at the same time there are lots of families with kids coming to do it in all there snow gear and the parents teach the young kids and they kind of mess us and everyone smiles and its just feels like more a fun tradition. The older folks that take it more seriously don't glare at the people taking it really lightly with the kids, they just smile too. 
I had the best luck
My fortune
 Then we went and bought our fortune for the year. It gives your general luck level this year then some specific things that will happen. I got the cream of the crop luck and I am really excited because it said I will find a girlfriend this year! this should be exciting.... haha! Then you take your fortune paper and tie it in a knot on these strings (look kind of like clothes lines but obviously more cool) and then it will come true! You can buy these charms and things to give luck and you buy these pieces of wood that you write your hope or goal for the year on and hang it up too! 
There are all sorts of funny ones like get lots of money or marry "so and so" and then some more cute ones like have a good birth when the baby comes and stuff like that. I bought one but haven't written anything on it yet! Then there was also this littler shrine with mochi (its like a cake made out of just smashed up rice) and an orange on top of it that you said a little prayer at to get good health for the year. It was really fun and neat to go! Lots of families come (New Years is spent with all your family like Christmas is for us but maybe even more so) and so its way fun to see! The buildings are just amazing to look at and all the hard work and care that goes into maintaining the grounds around them. They truly have honor in what they do. It was a great experience!
Fun Food Fact:
So there are some New Years classic foods but when I got it explained to me as I was eating it I really didn't understand many of the words... so some things I remember were:
 - Salmon eggs. Eat with a scoop of rice underneath and they are actually great! I didn't like them that much before my mission but now I totally love them.
 - Crab pinchers (obviously delicious) but interesting enough that is the first time I have seen crab in all the expensive fishes and other sea food. No one really liked it as much as me and you don't use butter.
 - This yellow stuff with balls about the size of a walnut. It was my least favorite thing to eat.. turns out the balls were acorns and the yellow stuff I still have now idea. But once I found out they were acorns it made it a little better.
 - Sushi that was raw fish but had no rice, it was just wrapped in a ton is some underwater plant. It was great!
Sister torikoshi said that there was meaning to all the parts but that it was too complicated and she didn't even know them all so I didn't worry about it!
Spiritual Thought:
So my thoughts have been all about what I want to do with myself and how I should go there of late. From everything to Japanese, to serving others, to my profession someday and getting physically stronger. I could talk about that but what I want to share is the power of scripture. It is holy writing given by a loving Heavenly Father through holy men to guide his children. There is so much power that not only can give us specific direction, but can also put us in the correct perspective to see how we can become what we want to be and what we really want to be is. Then as we read and study what is there, there is lasting power that keeps us on what we want to become and gives us strength to overcome our weaknesses and things we do that we want to stop. I testify that they are from God and they can do anything from give us faith (Romans 10:17  So then afaith cometh by bhearing, and hearing by the word of God.) to tell us what to do (2 Nephi 32:3 aAngels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, bfeast upon the cwords of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will dtell you all things what ye should do.). 
Funny Story:
So this week we had a dinner appointment on base like normal (they normally feed us 3-5 times a week!!) so we are a little late and we are running up to the gate of the parking lot where the ride will be waiting. We are trying hard not to fall on all the ice and snow so we kinda slow down and start looking around and we see some cars idling, some buried in snow and off, one car with its flashers on with all these construction signs and big cones and snow just smashed underneath it kinda tipped sideways (poor guy must have slid on the ice) and so we do like a window check in all the idling cars and then all the snowed in cars... where is he?! Then we take a little better look at the conesmasher car... it was our ride! Oh man.. so we like cheerfully wave and get in and our ride is like looking at his phone and he seems kinda quitter then usual and so obviously we know he knows he destroyed all the road equipment and he is mad and all. But then he just starts her up and starts driving away... kkkkkkrkrrkkrrrkkk this like horrible scraping sounds is following us...  what is he doing? We go through security and start off to his house.. kkkakakakakkkrr.. then he says something like "man I must have built up a good bit of ice on the back mud flaps and with the extra weight it just is dragging back there..." he had no idea... haha! so we get into this little giggle fit as we do paper rock scissors (way more popular and cool in Japan) to decide who will tell him. We lost probably half of it on the way, random cones and signs in the middle of the road, but there were still these three giant cones that were stuck when we got to his house. We had a good laugh!
Love each other for me!
Law Choro

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