Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 2, 2014 Letter

Nihon 0752 Hours
Ohaio gozaimasu!! 
Life is wonderful here! We are at the top of our game! We are seeing miracles, having a blast in the apartment, and learning japanese and the gospel. 
Culture Point:
I am 90 percent sure I haven't shared this with you but if I have forgive me. Animal sounds: 
  • When a dog barks it says "wan wan!" (pronunciation like the Spanish name Juan)
  • Cats say niyao  (very similar to ours)
  • Pigs do not say oink! they say "bu-bu-" (like a ghost"s boo twice)
  • Roosters say "kokekokkou" 
  • Cows say "mo-" sounds like mow
  • Sheep say "me-me-"
  • Horses say "hihi-n" (he heen) 
All my children will be the freaks in kindergarten that say the dog says "wanwan!".
Fun Food Fact:
     Cereal. So contrary to popular belief there is cereal in Japan. It is probably the best cereal in the world. You can buy some of your classic American cereals like frosted flakes but the boxes are half the size and the price is 3 times the amount. Not exactly missionary style. They mostly have their own Japanese brands and it is a lot different then what I think of as normal cereal. There is a ton of different toasted grains, flakes, tons of dried fruit, and granola type pieces and it comes in a bag about the size of the big frosted flakes box. It is sooooooo good! Like the best cereal I have ever eaten probably but that bag costs about 12 dollars so they know it tastes good... but sometimes the Japanese moms send it to the missionaries and they share with us! (keeps it fun).
Spiritual Thought:
     I read a quote by Elder Holland that told a story he had heard. The story went something like this: There was a young couple that set out to make a home for themselves. They settled on a homestead in the wilderness and built a small home and farm. They had one cow and a pasture where it grazed. Sometimes when the husband was off working the cow would get excited and jump the fence and they would have to find it. One day the husband had to go into town to get some supplies. Before he left he impatiently said to his bride, "do you think you can finally keep that cow in while I am gone?".
She thought she could. While the man was in town a terrible storm came though the area. When he returned home he found a note, "the cow got out, i think i can find her though". He search but neither had survived.
     The author concluded with a poem about how we cant pull back our words once they are said and how they are more dangerous than fire. I think about that story a lot actually. How badly do I really need to say that slightly unloving or sharp sentence? It puts things into perspective. There is also just as much power on the opposite type of speech to lift, heal, and protect. I am going to try and improve. If I can master the tongue I will master the whole body! 
Funny Story:
     So we all know my favorite older sister in the ward. So I love her and she puts up with me. Elder Breinholt had the same relationship. But I have a new companion of late, Elder Mantz. Speaking frankly (he says this all the time so i feel no guilt in saying it) he looks like he is about 12 years old; small in stature, baby face, always smiling... he just looks way young! He is actually older then me by about 6 months. The story took place at Sunday school after class when everyone was just mingling and talking to each other afterward. Elder Mantz was talking to some of the young men and I was talking some planning with Elder Anderson when I started to listen to the conversation of my favorite sister and a sister who is hearing the lessons from the missionaries (she is actually getting baptized this weekend). What I hear is my favorite sister with more joy in her voice then I have ever heard saying, "look at him!! He is sooo CUTE! He is so little and cute!". Then the other lady said "yeah, but he is a missionary. He is supposed to be like professional". "But he is so young! Like a little kid! So Cute!" and then the other sister is like "you want to marry him or something?". (I start dying at this point) She gives her a dirty look, "ahh be quiet you!". Elder Iida, Anderson and I are laughing too hard to even hear what happened. And now every time we see the lady who made the marriage joke she asks how Elder Mantz's wife is doing. It's sooo funny! We can talk to any old person because they love Elder Mantz!
Smile and love each other for me!
Law Choro

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