Monday, June 2, 2014

May 26, 2014 Letter

1024 hours upper cedar (translation of kamisugi)
This week was awesome!

Fun food fact:
Noodles- We eat a lot of noodles, they are cheap and taste good! Missionary diets include a ton of spaghetti in Japan because it is so incredibly cheap and normal Japanese people eat a decent amount too. The other noodles that are really famous (and more Japanese) are:

ramen (hot)
hiyashi chuka (ramen without soup) (cold)
soba (cold or hot)
yakisoba (they taste so different i am putting both) (hot)
udon (hot or cold)
somen (only cold)

and there are shops for all of these all over the place! So fast and good...Especially when its really hot or really cold outside and you want to eat something to make you feel the opposite.

Culture point:
So, I have been scouting these out for months but I wanted to go into one before I told you about them. They are called tachiguisoba. tachi is standing, gui is eating, and soba is a type of noodle. So these shops are at train stations or airports places where people are commuting and don’t have a lot of time but are hungry. So, you walk up and put in money into a vending machine thing with all sorts or dishes on it, you push the button for the one you want and a card pops out.  You take the card to the kitchen they take it and then in less than a minute you have your dish and you go eat it. But in the restaurant there are no chairs only counters! It’s so fun! hahah so you stand, eat super fast, then bounce! It keeps people moving and is Delicious!

Spiritual thought:
So almost everyone we talk to has never had any experiences with Christianity. Like they have seen famous pictures of Christ and learned about him in history class maybe a little but it’s like asking Americans about Buddha... some people might know a little but not really at all. So we have a lot of great chances to invite others if they would like to come unto their Savoir and partake in the blessings of peace of mind, strength to overcome our weaknesses, and vision that is real truth that comes from applying the atonement. I just wanted to testify that it is all very literal and real. It’s not something that just sounds pretty or focuses our goodwill, it is very much deity.  The plan of our God.  There is the ability to change for the better. I am so thankful the change it had brought in my life and pray for the love to be able to share it with others. It is for every single person if they would like it and if they understand that, will almost always take it.

Funny Story:
So we do a skit once a month for the ward where we demonstrate somehow how we can be better about sharing the gospel. This year’s theme is applying Christ-like attributes in our daily life.  This month we did a good Samaritan in the work place idea, where someone was being talked bad about. That person was a bit hurt. Then, two other people walk in and they are tempted to just let it be, mind their own business and not interrupt.  Or to do as Christ would do and reach out to the down trodden and help the person. I actually really enjoyed the skit. It was all silent except for an organ giving mood music and emotion. In the skit our tempter (his theme music was “Jaws”) was Elder McClanan dressed in a Satan costume with horns and this trident made out of chopsticks and a broom from our apartment. It was great. But after the skit there was a big pot luck type thing (Japanese pot lucks are amazing) but what was funny was the 6-8 year olds all formed an angry mob and beat Elder McClallan with sticks and rocks and fists until he was out of the church! And they were like chanting devils aren’t allowed in Japanese... it was super cute at first then it got pretty ugly... hahaha but we enjoyed it!

Love each other for me!

Law Choro

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