Monday, July 28, 2014

July 20, 2014 Letter

0850 hours Honshu
ui-su! (slang hello that drives Elder Mantz crazy when I use it)
It has been a sweet week that was way to busy! I am going to the ocean with Brother Miura today so be stoked for me!
Culture Point:
So everyone in Japan knows Disney. All the movies and songs are in Japanese and there is Disney Land and Disney Sea in Tokyo that they love! But there is a childrens' movie company just as old and way more famous in Japan called Jiburi and EVERYONE except me has seen all the movies. So if you are uncultured like me and want to see some amazing movies I recommend these because I have been told to watch them by a million people:
kuranai no buta (something with red pig in English)
mononoke hime (mononoke princess maybe?) - Apparently not for general audiences. A bit bloody.
and spirited away!
The thing is I have no idea what the titles are in English but I know there are English versions so check them out for me and tell me how they are!

Food Fact:
Rice paper. So you don't eat it a ton; but, in an amazing dinner made for me last night by furukawa shimai two of the dishes had it so it isn't insanely rare. The only way I have eaten it is with vegetables wrapped around on the inside with a vinegar sweet sauce poured on top or fried in a pan with cheese and sauce on the inside (kind of like a quesadilla). 

Spiritual Thought:
You know, I have never thought about friends as being so important until I came out here. It gives your fire I think. I think it is because I have never been isolated away from my family for so long maybe, especially my siblings. But those relationships are as hard as nails and can be thrown around at anytime and be expected to be deep and dependable at anytime. I don't know; I feel like the best way to build a friendship lately is when all goes to crap to smile at each other. Then you are bound eternally. I love Iida Choro! He is the bomb!

Funny Story:
So we had a sports activity this last Saturday at the park and it just started pouring... its rainy season and it always rains! So we just said screw it and went for it! There is this friend of ours who is such a pretty boy; he is like 23 and always has way good hair and the cleanest new clothes and just a stud for looks. Anyway, he was playing goaly and was staying perfectly clean in his fitted sports shirt and matching shorts (I totally love this kid and he is totally going to get baptized). All was going well until the offence got a bit hot on the other team and there were like 3 big attempts at his goal where 10 people were stomping all around and it created a mud pit... but he was still clean, in a mud pit. Then came the long hard kick from mid field a bit to the left and when he went for it it all went.... I have never seen a person hit in such a way as him: like a rocking chair it started at his feet then his calves then his butt then back then shoulders then head and hair... until he was upside down. I like cried i laughed for hard! I will hook you up with pictures someday! Love you tons!

Love each other for me!
Law Choro

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