Monday, August 25, 2014

August 10, 2014 Letter

0840 hours Miyagi-ken
It was an awesome week! I got peaches from a lady at church that loves me!

Culture point:
So I think that I have told you about matsuri; but its giant festivals. The Japanese culture is full of them and everyone just loves them. Normally they are in the summer and the Big one in Sendai is called Tanabata. and it was this week! For tanabata there are tons of fireworks on Tuesday night then from Wednesday to Friday there is a huge street that has these giant ornaments that hang down and you can walk down the road (its over a mile but I am not sure how long). There are tons of shops all over the sides and food and people (lots of people) and if you are there at night (especially the fire work show, then probably 90 percent of the girls and 30 percent of the boys are dressed up in traditional Japanese clothes. It's way fun! I bought a summer one but didn't get a chance to wear it. Here are some awesome pictures for you:


Yes Jaimyn, I chose this one just for you!

Fun food fact:
I just want to share something with you: if you leave cookies out in Moses Lake WA you get these crunchy stale puck, if you leave cereal out in Moses Lake nothing changes. In Sendai in the summer if you leave out a cookie it gets super soft and gooey and falls apart. If you leave out a bowl of cereal without milk, it will begin to get soggy. And I am not kidding or being dramatic!!! You put a lid on it to keep it crispy!!

Spiritual thought:
I just want to share my testimony that Jesus is the Christ. And the reason I feel that way is that I have studied what he has taught and find that when I apply it I am liberated from the sorrow that comes from my mistakes. Especially when I pray for forgiveness through his name. I can testify from experience that you can receive peace and forgiveness. We can be clean and progress through Christ.

Funny story:
If you want your own funny story eat a peach with the skin on in front of someone Japanese... hahah!
But this weeks funny story comes to us from a place we go to for service. It's a hospital where we talk to the people that are living there and don't get to get out much. There are many elderly people there and I have this one table that I totally love, they are mostly in their 90s. They actually are super interesting to talk to. They were in their 20s during world war II and lost siblings in it and had some really hard trails. But for the most part they just compliment the heck out of you, are super bright and make love jokes. I know they are like this so on a split i had a young American missionary go and sit with them and I just kinda watched from a distance. I was just dying. He was just red as can be the whole time and had this nervous smile and strained laugh the whole time. After he came back with all these new vocabulary words he learned like secret lover,  handsome man, stud ect... you kinda had to be there but it turns out you can get harassed in Japan too.. haha!
Love each other for me! 
Law Choro

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