Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 19, 2014 Letter

2022 Hours Honbu

Hey everyone!! It’s been a really long, busy, fun week, so I am sorry this took so long... I am going to make it good though!

So maybe I will mix up the flavor a little I am kind of sick of Neapolitan.

My Doryo(the person I am with 24/7):

He is from Shizuoka which a bit to the south of Tokyo and he can actually see mount Fuji from his parents’ house. He is 27 years old and feels like he is way older. He graduated with a degree in teaching physical education but actually worked at a newspaper, where he became an editor. He really loves that job and hopes to return to it when he is finished serving as a missionary. He is famous for how much of a smooth talker he is, he can talk to anyone about anything, he loves Ginger ale and mints and also any chocolate based drink. He has a really dramatic back story like a super hero but I am not sure he wants me to tell everyone. He says the reason he originally came on a mission was, that he wanted to have his older brother come back to God. When his younger brother went on a mission it brought him back so he wants to repay the same favor. He has 5 kids in his family and says he wants to get married soon when he gets home and have 5 kids, too. He is also waaay too into basketball and takes this cheesy little fake jump shot about 4 times a day at the most random times. (I have started to do a fake volleyball bump to say I am practicing too) He loves people easy... and I have learned from him, from the first time I meant him about a year ago to now, probably more than any other missionary. He also is blood type A. (that’s a big deal here)

Our mission President and His Wonderful wife:

So, they came here for the first time a few months ago and since I live right next door to them I have got to see them quite a bit. They met at college many years ago, and then he went on a mission to Japan. They kept in touch until he got back. They dated and fell in love all over again.  He went to Israel for 6 months and studied and they kept in contact by letters. He came back and they got married and since have had 6 kids. (If you want a way better much more colorful version I recommend asking Sister Smith.) He was a surgeon that specialized in knee and hip replacements. (Pretty much he is insanely smart, too.) But, they are the most humble people you will ever meet. She kind of in a scary way reminds me of Mom a lot. She like says the things about church everyone kind of feels but doesn’t say because it’s awkward, She knows how to follow the promptings of the spirit better than anyone else. She has a really good example and story for any talk; she is always giving us and buying us way to much stuff. Pretty much I feel like I am at home having mom sneak me fun money behind dads back. hahaha! She is just a ball of sunshine! You know if Sister Smith is in the meeting everyone will leave with a big grin on their face. President Smith is a man who relies on the Lord, and loves God sooo much. He wants to follow him step for step doing his will with as much exactness as he can. But speaking frankly if I had to speak of something to describe what he’s like I would think of this one time when I kind of did something stupid, and kind of lead others into doing something stupid... and I got a phone call from him about it to correct my behavior. Now we are not a business. We are a church, so I wasn’t expecting to get like screamed at or anything, but I was a bit nervous and expecting to leave the phone call with a bit of a sweat. But what happened was I had a very clear explanation given to me of why the phone call was made, where we want to go from here on to resolve the problem in the way with the least pain, and then I had some of the most kindest things I have ever had said to me said. He showed me so much love I felt dizzy. Then the phone call ended. There is a quote by Abraham Lincoln that goes something like “If you would win a man to your cause, you must first convince in him that you are his true friend." And he is a true friend to everyone he meets. Both of them are way too nice, I feel like I am going to corrupt them.

Funny story:

So we had a long road trip the other day and we ended up at McDonalds for lunch (yes they have them here too, but you call it Makudonarudo which is a great tongue twister for English natives) and we were sitting next to this young li’l family with a mom and dad and 1 year old. The one year old had ripped up chicken nugget on his plate and some bread, but all he would eat is French fries so they would give him a couple and then he would eat it and then grunt for some more and then eat. Grunt eat grunt eat... but then his mom was like "No. (go into that slightly too high and the words are slightly too long, in Japanese, but mother language is universal guys) you have to eat your chicken" he gives a few more grunts but once he sees its hopeless, he takes the initiative and starts unsheathing himself from his high chair and making his way for the apple pie box (he knew it was red cardboard) but he quickly learned his mistake and went for the fries and then nestled back into his throne to eat. His parents were both way surprised... (He wasn’t so agile a few weeks ago, but you give a kid calorie packed food like Mickey D’s and they are bound to grow quick) So at this point I kind of think I am all cool going to join this episode (honestly I was just looking for a chance to show off my two nieces) and so I am like "he sure does like French fries doesn’t he" and the parents kind of smile, but the little guy just stops and stairs strait at me... and his eyes go all narrower (I look inside and find my love for Asian levels high enough to make that comment without being racist) and he just mad dawgs me for about 10 solid seconds with his dad chuckling nervously. Then I do the big "hey there li’l buddy" and he just freaks. Fries went flying and he was into his dads lap and up around his neck so fast and just starts crying... not my best moves, but he was funny.

Love you all tons!

Love each other for me!

Law Choro

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