Monday, March 16, 2015

January 18, 2015 Letter

1000 hours Blue Forest City 青森市 (aomorishi)

The middle kanji is three of the kanji for tree and it means forest! (it hardly ever works out that easy hahah)

Culture point:

Shoes are taken off when you go inside! Why? Because the bottom of your foot is super gross. That’s the culture. Ha ha.  You don’t touch people with your feet, you don’t touch walls or tables with you feet, especially the bottom. I think my mama might be Japanese.. Ha ha.  I know we don’t like feet in the states either but it’s the same just stronger. Very rude.

Fun Food Fact:

Potato salad! Oddly enough you will eat it. Quite a lot of it.  It’s not served at a picnic on the side of your hamburger though. It’s normally a tiny little scoop on the side of a bento (boxed up lunch) It’s always cold. Ha ha. I don’t really know what to say about it because you all know what it is and I never ate it in America so I don’t know how they are different. But I went to a member’s house yesterday for dinner and they was this giant blob of purple something on my plate and she was like looking at me look at it. (I didn’t even flinch) and then she said.. "looks disgusting doesn’t it? I was trying to scare you. It’s just some potatoes I found that are purple. It’s just potatoes, vegetables, eggs and pork" and then we took in a big breath and ate it!

Spiritual Thought:

Part of what our church believes is that God is very much alive today, very much eternal and unchanging, and that he is still a God of miracles.  We believe that the same gifts of the spirit that existed in the new testament (1 Cor. 12) exist today. This week I was trying so very hard to have the gift of discernment to know how to help one of my friends that we are teaching be able to come unto Christ. We were just kind of stuck, but then in the middle of the lesson I was just praying my little heart out and then all the of the sudden I knew what to say. It was something that my companion had told me he felt we needed to say earlier but I had forgotten. I won’t go into too much detail because it is very sacred to me but I just wanted to share with all you guys that you can have all the miracles and gifts found in the ancient days. That Christ still lives today and is guiding his living church. It brings me peace. You can also know of the truth of this message by asking God in the name of Christ.

Funny story:

So every day when we leave the apartment we pray. (we pray a lot) and I always pray for a chance to serve someone like a shot at doing something kind of random and nice (its because I am such a punk I have to balance out or God will blast me)

I was especially into this last summer in Sendai. Like it was my theme for about 2 months of everything I did.  One day (this is kind of an old story) we were riding along on our bikes and I had my eagle eyes on.... who can I serve who can I serve... and it was a pretty hot day but the wind was just a howling away.

Culture fact: in Japan white skin is pretty and tan skin is not as pretty. Japanese people get in the sun and they tan black. like soooo dark. So in order to stay pretty a lot of women (mostly the senior generations) will use umbrellas

So we are waiting at a light that is about to let us cross I see right as the light goes green a woman lose her umbrella bag (the little sheath you store it in) chance!! So I kick ‘ol Pegasus and we go after the sheath.  Watching someone try and catch something in the wind is not the best way to build faith because if that’s all you had to go by you might think God has a sick sense of humor. But I became that puppet.  It looks even worse when you are on a bike because it looks likes you are trying so hard and spending so much energy for nothing. But I got really close and it was mine!! Then it moved about 6 inches and I... STOMP! GOT it!

I turned around to see a grandma with a slightly grossed out face and my companion doing the hair grab that lets you know something was awkward for him. I sheepishly gave the defiled sheath back to the woman and apologized. So understand why they both felt as if I had just spit on it refer to culture point above.

Love each other for me!

Law Choro

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