Friday, July 5, 2013

June 22, 2013 Picture Update

This is how I expect to come out the barbers in japan.. looking like goku. I hear the hairstylists are pro! They also know it and charge like they are pro.. I hear 50 dollars is average.
We kneel a lot in our district because you kneel while you teach people...I challenge you to kneel for just 15 minutes, tops of your feet plat on the ground and butt on your heels.. hizamazuku that is what it is called.. pretty much we are Japanese. ;-)
talia uli shimai and johnson shimai (I don't think I showed you talia uli shimai yet) she is the winker...

riley bruneel!!! we spent running together! it was actually a morning walk because they didn't want to run but it was still fun
me and thayne choro with reading sensie! he is soooo cool!

thayne choro's balance isn't as fantastic as my own


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