Friday, July 5, 2013

June 30, 2013 First Letter from Japan

the east battle ground
1036 hours
I know its Sunday there and that is soooo weird. its Monday here! haha so they are redoing the mission office and we only have a laptop in the mission home kitchen to share so our time is cut in half but that is all good! So its going to be short confusing and full of information.
Barracks: I am in the heart of the mission, its in sendai but not the downtown big part of the city. I live 10 feet from the mission home and my roommates are the a.p.s and a service missionary and my companion. Yes you are all correct my companion is a nihongin. His name is elder takeshita and yes.... he knows.... and he likes to cover up the "a" with his finger and laugh and laugh when I give him the look. My companions just have weird names. He is a super obedient, hard working, crazy Japanese guy. His testimony is strong and he kinda babies m,e he is so nice. He is from by Tokyo and loves rice. like loves it. you cant understand.
language: my companions English is improving a lot faster than my Japanese but mine is improving today is nihongo dake hi so we only speak Japanese. Most of the time he can explain stuff to me like what is going on in English but I am trying to get him to do less broken English and have me do more broken Japanese. He loves English though. At night instead of writing in a journal he just listens to moron tab and sings out of a little ego hymn book. Its kinda cute. I really like him. The aps and the service missionary are all Japanese so I hardly hear English except in the office because the president and his wife and the senior missionaries speak English.

Food: I have had some of the best food I have ever eaten and some of the worst! its really odd! but in general I am a happy camper! Weirdest thing for me so far has been miso soup (super common you eat it a ton) tastes like someone took a bowl and scooped out some of good ol moses lake. looks like it too! hahhaah its not actually that bad but its weird to me... tofu is awesome!
Missionary work:
I have knocked on doors for like 20 minutes one day when a member appointment fell through and we didn't have enough time to ride home. We are super busy with weird stuff. my doriyo is the district leader so we have a lot of meetings, and English class (soooo fun) and home teaching and all sorts of good stuff! The church here is all day! they work all day everyday but Sunday so they put all meeting on Sunday. Imagine your entire week being all work all day and then when your weekend comes you give every second of it to the lord. These people are amazing.
I feel like I got here an hour ago. I am afraid it will all be over and I wont even have learned Japanese. The ward here is the biggest in the mission with nearly 120 members! super cool! there are some awesome people! I said the opening prayer in church. I am sooo bad at Japanese. like seriously. but the people are so nice!
I haven't bought anything yet because we haven't had time tell today to go to the post office. (that is where you get money here) but I will let you know how it goes.
Physical fitness: my butt... ( I will refrain from the 50 awesomely funny and inappropriate jokes that come to mind) hurts. When I got called here the other trainers all gave me a sympathetic look and said good luck on the bike. We are in the hilliest region I think in the world. Either 100 miles and hour downhill or straight up the other side. You will not get a door slammed on you or yelled at once in japan let alone mugged in an alley (I see 5 year old girls on Iphones walking down the street by themselves all the time! its not even rare!) but you will die by a car. Especially if it rains all the time and you brought black pants and black rain coat and your backpack is black and its night. My bike was prebought for me and I pay them back! its a sweet cool mountain bike that I put this basket on because it embarrasses my companion.
Funny story:
We arrive in the Japanese Airport and after a very long journey arrive at the next obvious destination, the bathroom. As we walk through the entry way we stop in our tracks! There is a sign baffling us. After 5 minutes of staring and discussing we agree that it is in fact a picture of a little butt getting sprayed with water. Foolish Americans, proving that we had never seen a badae before. Once the sign no longer puzzled us we continue in and are startled to find a hole in the ground for relieving oneself of abominations, highchairs in each stall for children, and a GIRL cleaning while men are using the facilities. The situation was more than I could bare and I resorted to my usual form of self preservation and begin giggling nervously, no doubt pulling on my blond curls as well. Thayne Choro is disgusted with me once again for foolishly showing everyone around us we are foreigners.
I am sorry I didn't give a spiritual thought! I have an awesome one for next time though!
love you all! The church is true and brings happiness! love each other for me!
-Law Choro

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