1700 hours the Eastern Coast
I wish you could understand better then this picture, but you see those ancient Japnese paintings with the mountains and the little clouds.. that is exactly what everything looks like once you leave the coast (and in a lot of places the coast too).
It's transfer week and my beloved Kawamura choro is gone with the wind to the most remote isolated place in the mission to keep him isolated. ;-) hahah But my new companion is Elder Ito who was born in a place kind of close to Tokyo called Aichi. He is too pure for me.. I will corrupt him.. He is 21 years old (the guy that got the pie in the face) and he got baptized when he was 18, is the only Christian in his family which shows you the level at which he is committed to Christ. He also loves Basketball and meat. When he smiles his eyes disappear and he kind of has chubby cheeks with dimples. He also was my first day split in my mission when both of our trainers were at a district leader meeting. But that was over a year ago.. :-P
elder ito far left middle is elder Low (way confusing for people in the ward) and the far right is Kawamura |
Culture point:
Drivers test. So I have heard it said from someone that has done both that as a foreigner getting a drivers license in Japan on the test is actually more difficult then getting a P.H.d But who knows.I gave it a try this last week... and crashed and burned... hahahah. It actually hurt my little heart more then I was expecting. The bit of sunshine was that the other 6 people with me also crashed and burned :-D so my pride was helped a bit! It is not so much the rules of the road they are strict on but on little things. I failed because I was in the middle of my lane when I made turns instead of hugging the left side of my lane for left turns and the right side of my lane for right turns. But they explained it to me and I hope to not make that mistake again for my next and final attempt on Friday this week. Wish me luck!
Fun food fact:
Random Pics (They made me stand in the girl one):
Even if nothing else comes out of these two years... teaching a 3 year old how to do this was worth it. |
Spiritual thought:
I had a chance to read a talk by an apostle of the Lord named Dieter Uchtdorf called Grateful in any Circumstance. https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/grateful-in-any-circumstances?lang=eng I recommend reading or listening to it! But I had a favorite part. He says,
"How blessed we are if we recognize God’s handiwork in the marvelous tapestry of life. Gratitude to our Father in Heaven broadens our perception and clears our vision. It inspires humility and fosters empathy toward our fellowmen and all of God’s creation. Gratitude is a catalyst to all Christlike attributes! A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues.16 " That kind of clicked a few things for me. If I am lost, depressed, sick and tired, confused, and stuck, I think the practice of a deep breath then taking in the eternal perspective, the ability I have to be redeemed form death and mistake. The knowledge that I know there is a bigger picture. And just kinda breath that true air, then I can have the vision to choose to love, be patient, become humble or full of hope. Its a catalyst to all Christlike attributes.
Funny story:
So I got to see Elder Takeshita again!!!!! He came back to the mission home and nagamachi!! He hasn't changed in the slightest, spent way too much money on me (delicious ingredients for the food I like), made the same jokes and helped the same people. It was way fun. But while he was here for the day he came to church with us! In church there is this 2 year old that is scary cute, like she is cute physically of course but she just runs all around and falls hard all the time and then just laughs and laughs. But she was in third block with her dad standing by his legs just playing around distracting us and then it became a competition on who could get her to just smile at them between Kawamura Choro and Takeshita Choro. They were trying sooo hard for like 5... 10 minutes going way over the top. (they repented for not paying attention in church I am sure) the following pictures is some of their weaker faces...
and this was her reaction for those 10 minutes...
I was dying.
Love you all! Love each other for me!
Law Choro